October 3, 2 pm
Room 9204
Graduate Center, CUNY
This workshop introduces the Graduate Center’s new Futures Initiative and the peer-led structure of “teaching as learning, learning as teaching,” an interactive, collaborative method that helps us rethink the Industrial Age apparatus of higher education.
Bring your laptops! Workshop participants will work together on a draft syllabus for the first course to be offered by F.I., “Mapping the Futures of Higher Education” (IDS 70200, Tues 4-6 pm, Spring 2015).
- The course is for GC students who are currently teaching in the CUNY colleges and community colleges.
- It emphasizes the relationship between research and pedagogical experimentation in all fields–STEM, arts, humanities, social science, race, gender, and sexuality studies, etc.
- We will connect innovative pedagogy, new digital tools, and critical thinking about the role of public education in creating a more equitable global society.
- The course will be team-taught by F.I. Director Cathy N. Davidson and the innovative, beloved champion of public higher education, former Graduate Center President William Kelly.
- A large part of the course will be PUBLIC. It will take place on our video channel and on this Futures Initiative website, including feedback to the experimentation and innovation by the introductory college and community college students who are being taught by the GC students in “Mapping the Futures of Higher Education.”
- The Futures Initiative and “Mapping the Future of Higher Education” are very proud to be part of CUNY 2020.