Many thanks to everyone who joined us for “What Is a Dissertation? New Models, Methods, Media.” We were blown away by the energy and thoughtful discussion, both in the room at the CUNY Graduate Center and virtually all over the world. The livestream was viewed over 300 times, with most viewers staying all the way through the Q&A. There were nearly 2,500 tweets that used the #remixthediss hashtag. The panelists did a terrific job sparking a discussion that we hope will continue on campuses around the world. We’ll be continuing the conversation here at the Graduate Center, beginning with an open discussion with Austin McLean, director of Scholarly Communication and Dissertations Publishing at ProQuest. More information about that will be coming soon. We also hope to have a follow-up panel at the 2015 HASTAC conference.
The main #remixthediss event page remains available at We invite everyone—whether you attended or not—to read and add to the growing list of models and the thought-provoking questions and discussion that the event sparked. We have also posted the video for anyone who was unable to join us. In addition, Kalle Westerling, FI Fellow, has created a Storify of the event, and has created an archive of the Twitter conversation using TAGS Explorer.
There are a number of resources available for those thinking about or working on innovative dissertations:
- The Graduate Center Digital Fellows have devoted a section of their website to digital dissertation resources
- The Modern Language Association offers guidelines for evaluating digital work as well as reflections on reforming the dissertation
- Amanda Visconti has documented her work on developing a digital dissertation
- Jesse Stommel has written compellingly on new-form and public scholarship
- For a historical record of innovative dissertation work, don’t miss this early directory from Matthew Kirschenbaum
Learn more about the work of our inspiring panelists:
- Jade E. Davis, Communication Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- @jadedid
- Vintage Black Beauty, an archive remixing research project
- Dwayne Dixon, Cultural Anthropology, Duke University
- Endless Question, his Scalar dissertation
- Gregory T. Donovan, Environmental Psychology, CUNY Grad Center
- Assistant Professor of Communication and Media Studies at Fordham University
- @gdonovan
- MyDigitalFootprint.ORG: Young People and the Proprietary Ecology of Everyday Data, his Dissertation
- Amanda Licastro, English, CUNY Grad Center
- @amandalicastro
- Dissertation blog
- Co-founder of
- Nick Sousanis, Education, Teachers College, Columbia University
- @nsousanis
- Dissertation blog
- Unflattening, his dissertation, will be published by Harvard University Press
Many others have written about the event; we’ve gathered a few posts here. Did we miss something? Add it to the comments!
- Adam Heidebrink-Bruno, “Curious Beasts: (re)Imagining Dissertations,” Hybrid Pedagogy
- Rutgers Digital Studies Center
- Nick Sousanis, Spin Weave Cut
- Pratt School of Information and Library Sciences, Digital Humanities
- RameyLady
- Katina Rogers
- Image Lab at the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery (UW-Madison)
- NYC Digital Humanities
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Amanda Licastro, Digitocentrism
- Maha Bali, Reflecting Allowed
- Jesse Stommel, Hybrid Pedagogy
- Columbia University Libraries
- Media and Social Change Lab @ TC
- Cathy Davidson, HASTAC