Events from our partners:
- GC Digital Initiatives
- GC Office of Career Planning and Professional Development
- Graduate Center Library
- JustPublics@365
- NYC Digital Humanities
Futures Initiative and Mapping the Futures of Higher Education Events:
- March 10: Mapping the Futures of Higher Education, Open Class Session, “Student-Directed Learning,” Presented by graduate students in “Mapping the Futures of Higher Education” (Room 9206, Graduate Center, 4:15-6:15pm)
- April 14: Mapping the Futures of Higher Education, Open Class Session, Conversation with Professor John Mogalescu, President Emeritus Bill Kelly, and Futures Initiative Director Cathy Davidson, 4:15-6:15pm, The Graduate Center, CUNY, William P. Kelly Skylight Room
- May 5: Mapping the Futures of Higher Education, Open Class Session and Reception, Presentations of Works-in-Progress, Recap, and Interactive Session–Bring Your Markers!, 5-8pm, The Graduate Center, CUNY, William P. Kelly Skylight Conference Room
- May 22: Mapping the Futures of Higher Education, Exhibit of the CUNY Map of NYC, Reception, and Recognition Ceremony for all Futures Initiative Scholars, Evening, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 8th Floor Dining Commons
Co-Sponsored Events:
- Feb 26-March 1, 2015: Mini-Conference on Digital Sociology, Millennium Broadway Hotel, NY
- Feb 26: Elizabeth Losh, “The MOOC Moment” 3:30-5:30pm, The Graduate Center, CUNY, Room 9206
- Connectedness of teaching, technology, research
- This talk argues that MOOCs themselves might have been remarkably uniform as vehicles for content delivery, but they spurred a valuable diversity of pedagogical reactions among faculty to their particular format for free large-scale distance learning. Public debate and discussion about MOOCs has spurred a variety of innovative pedagogical experiments in higher education: SPOCs (Small Personalized Online Courses), DOCCs (Distributed Open Collaborative Courses), POOCs (Public Open Online Courses), and many other new forms of online teaching.
- Connectedness of teaching, technology, research
- April 17: Feminist Pedagogy Conference, The Graduate Center, CUNY
- April 20: Brewster Kahle, “Internet Archives,” 1:00-3:00pm, The Graduate Center, CUNY, William Kelly Skylight Conference Room Room
- April 24: Grantwriting Workshop, 2pm
- May 1: Purposeful Pedagogy Conference
- May 19: Digital GC, Digital Praxis Seminar, Public Project Launch, 4:15-6:15pm, The Graduate Center, CUNY, Room 9204/9205