NYC State of the Map US 2015, the annual conference for all OpenStreetMap users, is taking place right in our backyard, at the United Nations June 6-8. It would be great if some students participated and attended.
OpenStreetMap is one of the views we have in MapsMarker, the WordPress plugin we are using throughout our site to create maps. It is an open-source map and mapping tool, and has an active community that is continuing to build on the tool. You can find an introduction to OpenStreetMap on our Resources site.
This event comes recommended to us by Colin Reilly, Director of Geographic Information Systems at the NYC Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications, who blogs about NYC Open Data at NYCityMap & Beyond.
Proposals are accepted through March 22. There are 5-minute lightning talk and 20-minute talk slots available — it would be a great venue to show off some of the work we are doing with OpenStreetMap through our course and website. The proposal application is a quick form available here.
Apply for a scholarship by March 15 for a free ticket to the conference.
You can see the full program for the conference here. The weekend of June 6-7 is dedicated to talks, including Birds of a Feather parallel sessions in the morning. Monday, June 8th is Hack Day, with workshops including how to survey with OpenStreetMap, and a missing maps mapping party to help OpenStreetMap map the world!