Best Practices in Academic Technology Conference at Medgar Evers College

On September 18 from 10 am – 6 pm, Medgar Evers College will host a CUNY-wide conference on “Best Practices in Academic Technology.”

According to their website

“Paolo Freire and Carter Woodson both envisioned a liberatory educational practice that would someday upend the social order of our world. With the advent of learning technologies, the realization of that vision is well within the grasp of contemporary educators. As the world enters the Anthropocene era, society is on the cusp of finally understanding the delicate web that connects us all to our natural world and to each other. However, political and social inequality, deepening racial and economic divides and increasingsocial injustice have continued to plague humanity. As innovative technological tools have become increasingly integrated into the classroom environment, it is incumbent upon us as educators to learn to mobilize their limitless scope and potential (e.g. social media, ePortfolio, MOOCs, online education, virtualization technologies, distance learning, mobile apps, gamification, GPS/GIS technologies) in the service of social justice/activism and equality of opportunity for all people everywhere. Join us on as we explore emerging Academic technologies that have the potential to change the world and further our goal of education for empowerment and freedom.

Topic Areas:

  • Science, Mathematics, and Technology Learning
  • Interdisciplinary Education
  • Bi-cultural, bi-lingual and bi-national education
  • Learning, Teaching and Educational Structures
  • Learner Diversity and Identities
  • Primary and secondary education
  • Higher education
  • Adult and lifelong learning
  • Technology enhanced and distance learning education
  • International Schools and Educational goals
  • Educational Policy, Leadership, Management and Administration
  • Curriculum Research and Development
  • Economic Management of Education
  • Institutional Accreditation and Ranking
  • Organizational Learning and Change
  • Professional Concerns, Training and Development
  • Special Education, Learning Difficulties, Disability


To register, please visit the MEC conference registration page at:

For more conference information visit the official ePortfolio at:


The Futures Initiative
The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10016-4309