2016 Bronx CUNY EdTech Showcase
“Ready or Not? Student Preparedness into and out of our Institutions”
Join the three Bronx CUNY colleges for a very special opportunity to discuss the impact of technology across the education spectrum from high schools through undergraduate, workforce development and beyond. This year our committee seeks cross-community, cross-campus and cross-disciplinary groups and individuals to lead discussions and share success stories, ideas, and roadmaps that can assist in leading, innovating, and representing change. Those exemplary activities that feature collaboration, pedagogical innovation, institutional change and, of course, unique classroom methodologies with technology, are encouraged. Whether you consider yourself a proficient specialist, a ‘work-in-progress,’ a novice or first-time adopter, you are welcome to apply!
Submission deadline for proposals: Monday, February 29th, 2016
Friday, May 6
9am – 4pm
Lehman College
For more info visit: http://cuny.is/bronxedtech