Call for Proposals: Futures Initiative 2017-2018 Courses
**Application period has closed. Please watch for a new CFP in Fall 2017 for 2018-2019 courses.**
Focus: Diversity, Interdisciplinarity, and Innovative and Engaged Graduate Student Teaching Methods
Structure: Team-Taught Graduate Courses with CUNY Colleagues
Enhancements: Faculty Research Funds, Program and Technological Support, Pedagogy Workshops
Fields: All Fields Welcome
Due Date: November 1, 2016
Once again in 2017-2018, the Futures Initiative is pleased to support Graduate Center faculty who are engaged in team teaching with CUNY faculty based at other CUNY colleges. We will support up to five graduate courses in any field that (1) have equity, diversity, and innovation built into the course design and that (2) dedicate some of the course to innovative and engaged graduate student teaching methods and translation of specialized research for introductory courses or a wider public.
As has always been the case in our course offerings, diversity is a major goal. The Futures Initiative is especially interested in supporting diverse pairs of scholars from the GC and the CUNY campuses, including senior and junior faculty members who have not taught at the GC previously. For reference, you may wish to read about the courses we have offered in prior years (2016-2017; 2015-2016).
Please submit preliminary team-teaching and course ideas by November 1, 2016 using this simple form.
- Designation as a Futures Initiative Faculty Fellow
- $1,000 research fund per faculty member
- Organizational support for programing (e.g., speakers, panels, or events)
- Research support, data analysis, assessment support, or social media communications and support from the FI Fellows
- A mentoring program (with summer support) for selected graduate students chosen from students in FI courses
- Communication and advertising of your classes using the Futures Initiative mailing lists and newsletters
- Monthly events and public programs as part of The University Worth Fighting For series
- An online academic community (built by the Futures Initiative using Commons in a Box) for your students
- A public, international platform for student work, via the HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory) network
- Conference opportunities (including some travel funds) for the annual HASTAC conference
- Course allocation and faculty compensation should come from core departments as part of regular teaching arrangements
- The Futures Initiative will work with any and all faculty and departments and CUNY campuses and all relevant administrators on ad hoc arrangements
- We will sponsor as many courses as we are able given the ad hoc financial requirements of the accepted courses
We welcome you to submit proposals using this online form by November 1. Questions may be addressed to Katina Rogers, Director of Programs and Administration, The Futures Initiative (