In January 2017, Danica Savonick, a CUNY GC doctoral candidate in English and Futures Initiative Fellow, was awarded the prestigious K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award by the Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U). The K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award recognizes graduate students who show exemplary promise as future leaders of higher education; who demonstrate a commitment to developing academic and civic responsibility in themselves and others; and whose work reflects a strong emphasis on teaching and learning. Danica was nominated by GC Professor of English and American Studies Kandice Chuh, and is one of eight recipients of the 2017 award, selected from 255 nominations, in recognition of her research, teaching, and service dedicated to education and social change. The recipients of the Cross award will be honored at the 2017 AAC&U annual meeting, “Building Public Trust in the Promise of Liberal Education and Inclusive Excellence.”
Please join the Futures Initiative, HASTAC, and the GC English Program in congratulating Danica on this remarkable achievement! Learn more about Danica’s work and that of the other recipients on the AAC&U website.