This tutorial walks users through multiple approaches to posting on FI sites. This tutorial assumes you already have an active FI account. Please note, your account must have author privileges to post. If you are not sure your role on the site and are having trouble posting, please contact:
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4 Easy Steps
Basic Information
- This tutorial will walk you through how to post on your site
- We will cover three methods to posting:
- Writing your reflection directly into the text box provided
- Uploading a word document into the post
- Providing a google document link in the post
Step 1: Log in to your account using your username and password.
Step 2: After logging into the course site, hover the mouse over the “+ New” icon on the top task bar in the middle of the screen.
Step 3: After clicking on “post”, you will be brought to a new screen with the title and text box for you to write your comments in. Remember, there are three ways you can post.
- First, you can write directly into the box provided.
- Second, you can attach your post as a word document into the text box. To do this, click on “add media” button and under the “upload files” tab “drag and drop” or browse and select the word document you wish to upload.
- Third, you can paste a google doc hyperlink of your post. Select the “insert/edit” icon on the taskbar located above the text box (it looks like a chain).
Step 4: IMPORTANT: Make sure to check off the appropriate categories for any post you make. This will make posts easier to search for! Then click publish and you are all done.