How to Create a Password Protected Page/Post

Easily create a password protected post in 3 steps! This is a great option when sharing private resources. This tutorial assumes you have an FI account with author privileges.

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3 Easy Steps

Basic Information

  • Password protected pages or posts can serve as useful locations to share resources (readings, assignments, etc.)
  • WordPress allows you to control the visibility of your pages/posts
  • The different types of visibility are the following:
    • Public visibility (default option) = content will be visible to the outside world as soon as it is published
    • Private visibility = content is hidden from public completely
    • Password protected visibility = page/post requires a password to view
  • This tutorial will walk through how to create a password protected post, but the same approach can be taken with a page

Step 1: After logging into your account, create a new post, either by clicking +New on the front-end of the site (Option 1) or by navigating to the dashboard and clicking on Add New Post

Step 2: After creating your post, you can set its visibility in the Publish box. Click on Edit link under the 👁 Visibility option to change the visibility

Step 3: Once you clicked the Edit link, options should appear. Select the option Password Protected. A text box should then appear. In the box, enter a password. Your page is now password protected! In order to access the content on that page, users will have to enter that password


The Futures Initiative
The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10016-4309