How to Edit Menus

This tutorial will walk through how to edit your site’s Menu.

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5 Easy Steps

Basic Information

  • The site Menu outlines the structure for your site. It is extremely important because it determines how users will navigate the content of your site.
  • The Menu can be used to highlight the most important components of your site.
  • Some possible Menu items include:
    • Posts
    • Pages
    • Events
    • Custom links
    • Categories
  • This tutorial will walk you through, first how to create a Menu and then how to add an item to the Menu.

Step 1: First, check to see whether or not your site already has a Menu, which will usually appear in the Header, Footer, or Sidebar areas. In this example site, there is no existing Menu, so we will first need to create one.

Step 2: Go to your dashboard, hover over Appearance and then click on Menu.

Step 3: On the Menu page, you will enter a Menu Name and click Create Menu.

 Step 4:  Once you click on Create Menu, you should see your new Menu appear. Now we can begin creating the Menu’s structure.  Let’s add a page to the Menu by checking off the Sample Page box and clicking Add to Menu.

Step 5: We should see the new Menu item appear under the Menu Structure like shown below. You can continue to add/remove/edit Menu items as your site gains more content. Lastly, do NOT forget to click Save Menu, to save any changes you have made.


The Futures Initiative
The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10016-4309