Apply here by October 6, 2019!
The Futures Initiative is pleased to announce the fourth annual Dr. Louise Lennihan Arts & Sciences Grant Competition. Six micro-grants in the amount of $500 will be awarded to eligible doctoral students at the Graduate Center to support interdisciplinary research related to the intersections of humanities, arts, science, and technology. Research that is likely to have a public impact or result in a public-facing project is highly competitive. Students who have not received significant funding are especially encouraged to apply.
These awards are made possible by a generous gift from Curtis Wong, recipient of an honorary degree from the Graduate Center in 2016, as well as several anonymous donations. The competition honors Dr. Lennihan for her extraordinary service on behalf of students and faculty at the Graduate Center.
Applications for this year’s awards are due on October 6, 2019. Apply here!
Funds will be distributed in spring 2019.
- Topics eligible for funding: Interdisciplinary work at the intersections of humanities, arts, science, and technology. Projects will be evaluated on their creativity, interdisciplinarity, public value, and applicability to equity and social justice.
- Award: Support of $500 to be used for research or travel to a conference, workshop, research center, library, archive, or technology center to present or pursue additional research.
- Eligibility: All applicants must be PhD students in good standing, at any stage of their career, in any field, and must be enrolled for the Fall 2019 and Spring 2020 semesters. Preference will be given to late-stage candidates of their PhD program who are making satisfactory and timely progress towards completing their degrees, and who have not received an award in years past. Students from backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in the academy are warmly encouraged to apply.
- Terms: Award recipients will be asked to provide a brief written report in Spring 2020.
Learn about past projects:
Please contact with questions.
Curtis Wong (Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa, Graduate Center, CUNY, awarded 2016), principal researcher at Microsoft Research, is an inventor and creator devoted to the future of digital media and interactive media for learning. His recent work has included leading Microsoft’s interactive spatial-temporal data visualization efforts in Excel which allows users to gain insight from the patterns of data rendered on a map over time. In 2008, he fulfilled a long-held dream: leading the vision for the WorldWide Telescope, a free, rich interactive virtual simulation that allows children of all ages to explore and understand the universe. He hopes that the Louise Lennihan Arts & Sciences Student Grants can help students to further their research.
Louise Lennihan served as Interim Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs at the Graduate Center from 2013 to 2016. In this role, Dr. Lennihan served as the principal academic officer of the Graduate Center, ensuring the quality and performance of all the degree-granting programs. Prior to becoming Interim Provost, she served as Associate Provost and Dean for Humanities and Social Sciences. Dr. Lennihan joined the department of Anthropology at Hunter College in 1982 and has been a member of the Graduate Center doctoral faculty since 1987, serving as the Executive Officer of the Ph.D. Program in Anthropology from 1997-2008. Trained as a cultural anthropologist at Columbia University with a focus on West Africa, Dr. Lennihan has published widely on topics related to her archival and field research in northern Nigeria.
Would you like to support this grant program? Consider making a donation!