Join the Futures Initiative on Thursday, December 5, from 1pm to 2pm at The Graduate Center (Room 3317), for an event where FI Post-doctoral Fellow Sujung Kim will help us reimagine college and university classrooms as radical public spaces. RSVP is free.
At this workshop, we will work collaboratively on concretely reimagining college and university classrooms as radical public spaces where U.S. citizens and noncitizen (undocumented/ documented migrant/immigrant) students and instructors engage in critical conversations about the identities of U.S. colleges and universities.
We will also brainstorm how we can create open, inclusive and safe everyday classrooms by exploring the politics and practices through which students and instructors can revisit white supremacy and imperial and exclusive U.S. nationalism in major higher education in dominant discourses and (cultural) politics. Such exploration will prepare students and instructors to become radical cosmopolitans who are concerned about human dignity, universal rights, hospitality, inclusion, justice and democracy at the institutional, community, national and international levels.
This event is part of the The University Worth Fighting For, a series of workshops that tie student-centered, engaged pedagogical practices to institutional change, race, equality, gender, and social justice.