The Futures Initiative is pleased to share some good news!
We offer our warmest congratulations to Dr. Christina Katopodis, who successfully defended her dissertation, “Sound Ecologies: Music and Vibration in 19th-Century American Literature,” on November 30, 2020. After three and a half years as a deeply valued Futures Initiative Graduate Fellow, Christina has accepted a new position as Executive Director of the Transformative Learning in the Humanities program at CUNY Central, supported by the Mellon Foundation. Congratulations, Christina! We will miss you, but we are all so excited for you.
We are also delighted to welcome Tatiana Ades as a new Futures Initiative Fellow for the remainder of 2020-2021. Tati will be working as a research assistant to Founding Director Cathy Davidson and has already jumped into the program with both feet. In fact, she’ll have two new projects to reveal soon, We Eat: A Student-Centered Cookbook and I Wake Up Counting: A Guide to Transformative Learning in the Humanities & Social Sciences—stay tuned.
Please join us in congratulating Christina and welcoming Tati!