Faculty Co-Chair
Dr. Shelly Eversley is Professor of English and Interim Chair of the Black and Latino Studies department at Baruch College, City University of New York (CUNY), where she designed the Bachelor of Arts in Black and Latino Studies. She is also Professor of English at The Graduate Center (CUNY), and Faculty Co-Chair of the Futures Initiative. Her recent institutional leadership includes her role as Faculty Co-Director of the Mellon Foundation’s Transformative Learning in the Humanities initiative at CUNY and Academic Director of CUNY’s Faculty Fellowship Publication Program. She is the author of The “Real” Negro: The Question of Authenticity in Twentieth Century African American Literature (Routledge, 2004) as well as several essays on literature, race, and culture. Her editorial work includes The Sexual Body and The 1970s, both special issues of WSQ, a journal by the Feminist Press, as well as the recent book African American Literature in Transition, 1960-1970: Black Art, Politics, and Aesthetics (Cambridge, 2022). She is currently revising a new book on Black survival in height of cold war surveillance and censorship. She teaches literature, feminism, and Black Studies.